Saturday, April 28, 2012

Thailand Travel Madness

Let me preface this by saying that Justin and I are safe and sound in Chiang Mai, Thailand, in our hotel. But about ten hours ago it did not look like this would be the case.

First, we were about three stops along on the subway when we realized we forgot the camera. So Justin had to go back to the apartment while I continued on to take care of converting money and we were running late.

Then we get to the front of the check in line and the lady says "Can I see the credit card you used for the booking?" But we had our card number stolen between booking and now so it's the same account but different number. But no, this is not acceptable We have to identify the number on the card which somebody stole a few weeks ago and we no longer have. OH CRAP.

So Justin calls Capital One on Skype to ask for the old number and they say NOPE DON'T HAVE IT EITHER. Clock is ticking. 15 min until flight check in closes.

And the sick thing is the old cards WERE IN MY LUGGAGE but I threw them out last night while packing. Plus Justin cut them up. I try calling our neighbors to ask if they can go look in the trash outside the apartment but nobody is picking up. (Maybe they could detect why I was calling). 10 minutes until flight closes.

I am searching my email frantically for an e-receipt or something and checking online shopping accounts but everything only has the last 4 digits "for security" and we need the last 8. The person who stole our account had an easier time getting our number than we are having. My hands are shaking so hard I can barely type on the iPhone.

AND THEN the heavens part and the angels burst into song. JUSTIN HAS FOUND THE NUMBER! In his madness, he had created a scanned copy of our credit cards and uploaded it to Google Docs. WHO DOES THIS? "They suggest that you do that before major trips," he says modestly. They also suggest you not forget that you did it, but at this point he is such a hero I don't even care.

Moral of the story: Don't get your identity stolen. Also, get an iPhone.


  1. i am so teed off about this. if you can id yourself, why on earthbdo they need the card number? that is so totally stupid. great job making the flight and i hope you are relaxed now.. i dreamed you couldnt find anywhere to eat!

  2. Wow! That was truly a travel madness happening in Thailand. I'm glad that Google Docs solved your dilemma!:) Hope your next Thai travel would be better and more fun!:)
